Breaking: Sokoto Assembly Moves To Strip Sultan’s Powers

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The Sokoto Emirate Council Amendment Bill has passed through the first and second readings at the Sokoto state House of Assembly.

If the amendment bill is passed into law, it will reduce the powers of the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa’ad Abubakar III. This includes the ability to singlehandedly appoint kingmakers and district heads without the approval of the state government, among other authorities.

MURIC alleges plot to depose Sultan

According to The Punch, the bill’s passage came days after the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) raised the alarm over Governor Ahmed Aliyu of Sokoto state’s alleged plot to depose the Sultan of Sokoto.

Prof. Isiaq Akintola, the executive director of MURIC, expressed concerns over the possible move of the state government to depose the Sultan.

The development also followed ongoing controversies trailing the removal of five monarchs in Kano state.

The Islamic group maintained that the Sultan’s role extends beyond traditional and religious boundaries. It also said his influence is not confined to the northwest state but covers the entire country, as he is regarded as the spiritual head of all Muslims in Nigeria.

Sokoto governor deposes 15 emirs

Earlier, Governor Ahmed Aliyu deposed 15 traditional rulers in Sokoto for various offences.

Vice president Kashim Shettima also cautioned the state government against an alleged plot to depose the Sultan of Sokoto, adding that the stool is an institution that should be guided jealously.

However, the state government denied the allegation, stating that the law building the traditional ruler’s appointment has not been changed.

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