Catholic Priests Warns Catholics Against Attending Zion Ministry; Members Hit Back

Catholic priests have gone on Facebook to caution Catholics who attend Zion Ministry owned by Evangelist Ebuka Obi.

Fr Kelvin Ugwu and Father Kay both claimed that Zion Ministry is not a Catholic Ministry and has no approval of the Catholic Church.

Fr Kelvin Ugwu said Zion Minsitry “was founded on deception”.

He added that members of the ministry go as far as insulting Catholic priests who “try to tell them the truth about the ministry they attend and about the minister whom they have now deified”.

"This centre is proscribed by the Archbishop of Lagos Archdiocese" Catholic Priests warn Catholics against attending Zion Ministry; members hit back
"This centre is proscribed by the Archbishop of Lagos Archdiocese" Catholic Priests warn Catholics against attending Zion Ministry; members hit back
"This centre is proscribed by the Archbishop of Lagos Archdiocese" Catholic Priests warn Catholics against attending Zion Ministry; members hit back

In a post of his own page, Father Kay added that, “The Holy Spirit does not and cannot engender confusion.”

"This centre is proscribed by the Archbishop of Lagos Archdiocese" Catholic Priests warn Catholics against attending Zion Ministry; members hit back
"This centre is proscribed by the Archbishop of Lagos Archdiocese" Catholic Priests warn Catholics against attending Zion Ministry; members hit back

Other Catholic priests took to the comment section to agree with both priests.

"This centre is proscribed by the Archbishop of Lagos Archdiocese" Catholic Priests warn Catholics against attending Zion Ministry; members hit back

However, supporters of Ebuka Obi have accused the priests of being “jealous” of the popular Evangelist. 

"This centre is proscribed by the Archbishop of Lagos Archdiocese" Catholic Priests warn Catholics against attending Zion Ministry; members hit back
"This centre is proscribed by the Archbishop of Lagos Archdiocese" Catholic Priests warn Catholics against attending Zion Ministry; members hit back
"This centre is proscribed by the Archbishop of Lagos Archdiocese" Catholic Priests warn Catholics against attending Zion Ministry; members hit back
"This centre is proscribed by the Archbishop of Lagos Archdiocese" Catholic Priests warn Catholics against attending Zion Ministry; members hit back

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