Court Sentences ‘Nigerian Senator’ To 2 Years Imprisonment, Reason Emerges

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A Federal Capital Territory (FCT) High Court in Gwagwalada, Abuja, on Wednesday, June 26, sentenced a fake senator, Tom Makwe, to two years imprisonment for swindling a Spanish of 47,082 euros.

Man posed as a fake senator, lands in prison

Meanwhile, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) had arraigned the convict on two counts of intent to defraud over the internet.

But delivering the judgment on Wednesday, Justice Aliyu Shafa also gave the convict an option of a fine of N5 million, The Guardian reported.

In a twist, the ‘fake senator’ pleaded guilty to the charge and begged the court for leniency, Vanguard reported.

Victim to get funds, cars other items from convict

As reported by Daily Trust, Justice Shafa, ordered that the N30 million and 1,300 dollars recovered from the convict be forfeited to the victim, Maria Del Rosario San Jose Garces, through the Spanish embassy in Nigeria, and evidence of forfeiture be filed with the registrar of the court within two weeks.

He further ruled that the items recovered from the convict, which include one black Camry 2017 model car, Samsung S 23, Apple iPhone 13 cellphone, and HP EliteBook, would be forfeited to the government, and the proceeds of the sale would be remitted to the victim through the Spanish embassy in Nigeria.

Following the court’s judgement, the convict, in his plea for mercy, disclosed that he was sincerely sorry for his misconduct and bad character.

“I am a changed person and plead with the court to tamper justice with mercy. I will never have anything to do with internet fraud again,” he pleaded.

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