October 19, 2024

How To Say ‘I Don’t Know’ In A Job Interview: Here Are 7 Alternate Phrases You Can Use

How To Say 'I Don't Know' In A Job Interview: Here Are 7 Alternate Phrases You Can Use

Avoid saying “I don’t know”

In a job interview, saying “I don’t know” can feel daunting. However, it’s okay to not have all the answers. The key is to respond gracefully, showing your willingness to learn and think critically. Here are seven alternative phrases to use that demonstrate your professionalism and problem-solving approach.

Here are seven alternative phrases to use

Saying “I don’t know” doesn’t have to be a setback in a job interview. By using these alternative phrases, you can turn a potentially negative situation into an opportunity to showcase your critical thinking, eagerness to learn, and problem-solving abilities.

“That’s a great question, let me take a moment to think about it.”

This phrase buys you some time to gather your thoughts without rushing into an answer. It shows that you value the question and want to provide a well-considered response.

“I’m not certain about that, but here’s how I would approach finding the answer.”

Even if you don’t know the answer, this response highlights your problem-solving skills and your proactive attitude towards seeking solutions.

“I haven’t encountered that before, but I’m eager to learn more about it.”

This phrase admits your lack of experience with the topic, while also emphasizing your enthusiasm for learning and growth.

“I would need to do some research to give you an accurate answer.”

Here, you acknowledge that you don’t know the answer but express your commitment to accuracy and thoroughness.

“I don’t have that information at hand, but I can follow up with you after the interview.”

This phrase shows that you are willing to take responsibility for finding the information and following up, demonstrating accountability.

“Based on what I know, my initial thought would be…”

Even if you’re unsure, providing your best guess or reasoning shows that you’re thoughtful and willing to engage with the question.

“While I’m not sure about that specific detail, my experience has taught me…”

This response allows you to redirect the conversation to an area where you do have knowledge or experience, keeping the discussion positive and relevant.

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