
What Is Internet Of Things (IoT)? And Everything You Need Know

The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a transformative technology, connecting a vast array of smart devices to the internet. From traditional appliances to advanced sensors, the IoT has revolutionized the way we interact with the world around us. In this article, we will delve deeper into the concept of IoT, exploring its potential […]

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What Is An Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)? Types, Important And Other Things You Need To Know

What Is Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)? An intrusion prevention system (IPS) is a network security solution that detects and prevents potential threats and attacks on a network. It continuously monitors network traffic, analyzing packets and payloads to identify and block malicious activities. IPS solutions work in real-time, providing immediate protection against various types of attacks,

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What Are Indicators Of Compromise (IoC)? | How They Identify Malicious Activities

Indicators of Compromise (IoC) are digital artifacts that suggest a potential breach of an endpoint or network. These clues, similar to physical evidence, help information security professionals identify malicious activities or security threats, such as data breaches, insider threats, or malware attacks. IoCs can be collected manually by observing suspicious behavior or automatically through cybersecurity

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What Is Identity Theft? – Signs, Facts And How To Prevent It

What Is Identity Theft? Identity theft is a crime in which someone steals another person’s personal information, such as their name, social security number, credit card details, or other identifying information, with the intention of impersonating them or using their information for fraudulent purposes. This can lead to financial loss, damage to credit scores, and

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What Is Identity And Access Management (IAM)? And Its Roles Against Hackers

Identity and access management (IAM) systems are essential tools that streamline access control, fortify cybersecurity defenses against hackers, and seamlessly connect authorized users with the precise resources they need. By effectively managing identities and ensuring proper access privileges, these systems play a vital role in safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining a secure digital environment. What

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What Is A Honeypot? – A Powerful Cybersecurity Tool Lure Cybercriminals Away

In the world of espionage, the term “honeypot” is often associated with spies who use romantic relationships to extract sensitive information from their targets. Similarly, in the realm of computer security, a honeypot serves as a decoy to attract hackers and gather valuable intelligence about their tactics and motives. What Is A Honeypot? A honeypot

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What Is Email Greylisting? | How It Controls Email Spam

Since the emergence of spam in 1978, email providers have been searching for effective ways to protect their users from unwanted messages. While blacklisting and whitelisting have been somewhat successful in safeguarding recipients, there is still room for improvement. This is where email greylisting, also known as graylisting, comes into play. Greylisting offers a simple

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What Is Firewall

What Is Firewall? | How It Improve Network Security?

As cybercrimes continues on the rise in today’s digital age, it is important for individuals and organizations to prioritize the security of their information. One effective security measure is the implementation of a firewall. In this article, we will explore the concept of a firewall, its purpose, and how it functions as a protective shield

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What Is Fileless Malware? | How It Steals Sensitive Information

What Is Fileless Malware? Fileless malware is a sophisticated type of malicious activity that utilizes native, legitimate tools already present in a system to carry out a cyber attack. Unlike traditional malware, fileless malware does not require the installation of any code on a target’s system, making it difficult to detect and mitigate. This technique

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What Is A Computer Exploit? – The Most Common Ways Hackers Control Computers

There are so many cyber threats in today’s digital world which one of them is the threat of computer exploits. This has become a major concern for most internet users and businesses alike. The computer exploit can be referred to as the unauthorized use of vulnerabilities in computer systems or software to gain control over

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BOTNETS: Everything You Need To Know About These Silent Cyber Threats

In the vast digital landscape, there lurks a silent and insidious threat known as botnets. These networks of compromised devices, controlled by malicious actors, have become a pervasive force in the realm of cybercrime. From launching devastating DDoS attacks to stealing sensitive information, botnets pose a significant risk to individuals, businesses, and even national security.

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Advanced Threat Protection (ATP): All You Need To Know

In today’s digital landscape, cybersecurity threats have become increasingly sophisticated and complex. As a result, organizations need robust measures in place to protect their sensitive data and infrastructure. This is where Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) comes into play. ATP is a comprehensive security solution that combines various technologies and strategies to detect, prevent, and mitigate

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Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs): Understanding Cybersecurity Challenge

In today’s interconnected world, cybersecurity threats have become increasingly sophisticated, with attackers employing advanced techniques to breach networks and steal sensitive information. One such threat is the Advanced Persistent Threat (APT). In this article, we will explore the concept of APTs, their lifecycle, attack methodologies, and notable examples. Additionally, we will discuss strategies to defend

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