Countries All Over The World Trying To Unify Currencies Don’t Know What They Are Doing – Pastor Chris Oyakhilome
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, the founder and president of LoveWorld Incorporated, also known as Christ Embassy sends an important message to his members at their Healing Service
According to him, “Around the world today, there is a move that is supposed to be a beautiful idea on digital currency for the global community and the various countries have a plan through their central banks on how to achieve that. Some plan to move very fast on it and some would move a little bit slowly. But they do not know what they are doing. They think they are trying to make economy work better, and they think that they will include everybody in the global economy.”
“It sounds like a wonderful idea but the Bible has a lot to say about it. In the scriptures, we were already told that this will happen. So the plan is to create a global economy of some kind Which will surely fail not because I want it to fail, it is what the Bible showed us. It’s going to create a terrible system in this world such that it’s timed. The Bible also shows us that will be the actual economic system that will be run by a personality called the Antichrist. He will sit over that economic system.”
Speaking further, he said that the Bible also tells us that there will be a one world religion where all the people will be made to worship the same God. The Bible tells us that God will be Satan. Many religion are coming together for the sake of peace but the Bible already told us that there will be false peace. They are hoping to achieve peace at last and the antichrist will be the one to precise over this one world religion. He’s called the man of lawlessness. There will be a one world economy, government and religion.
He then said that this is why God is hastening the preaching of the gospel of Christ like ever before. This is why the spirit of God is opening opportunities for the world to preach the gospel like ever before. The Holy Spirit wants a lot of people to be saved before those evil days come. The preparation for those days are fast and according to the scriptures, it is the Holy Spirit that can restrain the speed by which it is moving.
Finally, we who are in Christ Jesus will not be here in the days of the antichrist. We will be raptured with Christ. Jesus said that during that period, there will be so much trouble that the world has never experienced. This is why you need to turn to Jesus while you still have the opportunity.
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