Is Watching Football And Games A Sin? – Pastor Kumuyi Clarifies
Pastor W.F. Kumuyi, the General Superintendent of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry spoke to his members about, “The Fruitfulness Of Abiding Believers In Christ” at a recent Bible Study Teaching.
In one of his subtopics, he spoke about, “The Pruning For Marvellous Fruits” and revealed that Vines are pruned of unnecessary attachments in order to grow well. So also in your life as a believers, some worthless things must be taken away – things that sap your energy, grace and anointing, things that hinder your optimal growth.
He then read the book of Philippians 3:7 which says, “But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.” So here, Apostle Paul realized that if he was to go ahead, and achieve more than his contemporaries, there are things he must do away with in his life. He said what things were gains to him he counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Paul looked at his life and said he’s going to do something greater that any member of his family has never done, he wanted more of Christ, more of Christ will be reproduced in your life
However, is watching football and game a sin? The man of God says that it is not necessarily a sin but it might not help your spiritual life. He said, “It could be the way you spend your time, at times staying glued to the television screen for hours watching, thereby reducing your prayer and devotional time to God. It is taking you away from that deep holiness and deep interaction with the Lord. They could be irrelevant, useless, worthless, and habitual things you spend your time on, they may not be sinful, but they are not helpful either. Things that hinder your progress which must all be done away with.