October 18, 2024

Top 12 Daily Income Business Ideas In Nigeria 2023

Finding good daily income business ideas to start in Nigeria is quite challenging.

But you’ll find it possible after reading this article.

However, we all know that in a country like Nigeria where the financial welfare of the masses is nothing of much concern to the government.

This has made people struggle individually just to make ends meet.

Truth be told!

The cash you spend on your daily needs will amount to much of your general welfare.

So, you often need a steady flow of cash to solve these needs.

In this article, you will find a list of daily income business ideas you can explore here in Nigeria.

Moreover, these daily income business ideas are guaranteed to make you cash on a daily basis.

Can’t wait right?

Well… continue Reading;

So, If you are tired of staying idle, or relying on that minimal salary, then consider these wonderful business ideas.

They are well tested and trusted and are sure to make you more of your daily income.

So, without beating around the bush for too long, let us get down to the list.

Top 12 Daily Income Business Ideas In Nigeria 2023

Here are the best daily income business ideas In Nigeria you can venture into in 2023.

1. Car Wash

There is no car wash in Nigeria that doesn’t get at least three or more customers per day.

This is a business idea that guarantees you daily income, as cars are washed every day.

You can start a mobile car wash, and later migrate to a major one.

Believe me, when I tell you again, this business idea is guaranteed to make you daily income.

If you doubt this.

Take a day to observe a typical car wash, and you’d see for yourself.

This is a very promising business that is overlooked by so many people in the country.

2. Barbing Saloon

As long as you fix up a Barbing Saloon in a good position where people can easily spot it.

You can never run out of daily customers.

There is hardly a Barbing Saloon that goes a whole day without two or more customers.

If there is any then there must be something seriously wrong with the Barbing Saloon.

With an average of about 3-4 customers per day, making over a thousand naira per day is guaranteed.

So, if you have good barbing skills.

Consider starting your own small barbing saloon to unlock your daily income stream today.

To attract more customers, you can make your fee slightly lower than that of other saloons around.

That is how business works.

If you know what I mean…

3. Beer Parlour

Truth be told!

We all have that local bar or beer parlour we always visit at least chill out once in a while.

That is it!

Everyone loves to chill out once in a while and this makes owning a beer parlour a lucrative venture with good daily income potentials.

As long as you have good cold drinks and a good stereo to keep the place lively.

People will always troop in for some good time.

4. Game Centre

This is one business venture that attracts a lot of people, mostly teenagers.

If you have a good space, good electricity, and a good gaming console (shoppingmode PlayStation 2shoppingmode Xbox, etc).

You can start a game centre and set up a fee for players.

Nevertheless, you can set it for as low as #50 per turn.

This business attracts a lot of customers, as a lot of people love to catch some fun with these consoles.

Moreover, it will ensure that you have your daily income, but you have to be watchful, to avoid any gambling activities in your center.

5. Point Of Sale (POS) Business

This is the reigning business venture all around the nation.

To guarantee daily earning with this business, you have to locate your center in a place slightly far away from any bank.

This will get you more customers, as most people will see no need in transporting themselves down to the bank.

When you are there.

One thing I love about this business idea is flexibility.

It requires a low start-up capital and can be operated from a mini shop.

To become a registered agent with any of the banks, you just need to visit any branch of the bank.

When you’re there, request information on becoming a POS agent.

This is a very good daily income business idea, and you too can start it up today.

6. Rentals

There is a man who rents out chairs, canopies, and other items close to me.

He is the reason why this business venture merited this position in this list.

You wouldn’t know, but trust me.

There are different events/occasions almost every day.

This has made this business idea to have a high demand.

If you have plastic chairs, canopies, and other items often needed for events.

You will never run out of daily cash, as there will always be people trooping in to book your materials.

However, This business is so good, that I even thought of tapping into it when my neighbor told me of the mighty gains involved.

In less than three months, you are guaranteed to recover all the money you spent buying these materials.

The whole earning still continues after that.

7. Boutique

We all love good clothing, and that is why these boutiques keep making gains whether we like it or not.

If you are okay with this business, you can start your own boutique whether small or big.

There is so much gain in this, and it is easy to begin.

For a start, you just need a few quality clothes.

With time, most customers will become regular in your boutique, and this means more gain for you.

All that is needed to start this business is a shop located by a street or major road, a good banner, and at least 20 quality clothes.

8. Hotel

If you are financially capable, running a small hotel is another business that guarantees you your daily income.

With a hotel of about just 10 rooms, you can make so much in no time.

You just need to make it clean, portable, and cheap, to attract customers.

Let’s do the maths; Let us say you charge a basic fee of #2,000 per room.

#2,000 x 10 rooms will be #20,000.

So automatically, your daily earning potential is #20,000.

Moreover, your average earning rate per day shouldn’t be less than #10,000.

You can now see how profitable this business is now.

As long as your hotel is clean, and located in a good place.

You will always have customers booking here and there.

This business assures you of your daily income but it requires some money to start up.

9. Dry Cleaning

With basic tools like electric iron, an ironing board, and a washing machine (optional).

You can start your own laundry business anywhere in the world.

There is always a day or two that we get so tired, and will employ the services of these guys.

Dry cleaners make a lot of cash from their craft.

Most people believed that dry cleaning personnel is better experienced than others in handling clothes.

Most people drop their clothes with dry cleaners almost every day.

This should tell you how much goodies these laundry men make.

Just like every other business on this list, location matters.

If you place your laundry shop in a good place where all can see, you’d attract way more customers than you would in a hidden position.

If you always receive accolades for your ironing skills at home.

You might as well try out this business idea as it’s very lucrative, and streams in a flow of daily income.


You cannot drive a taxi down the road for a few hours, without finding passengers waving at you.

That is why it is a good daily income business and it guarantees you your daily meal.

Before a day runs out, a taxi driver should be sure of about #5,000.

If you have a good car, you can even register with companies like Uber, Bolt, or Taxify to maximize your earning potentials.

11. Plantain Chips

We all see Plantain Chips everywhere around the nation, especially during traffic jams while traveling.

If you know how to make delicious Plantain Chips, you can easily become a distributor.

Don’t know what I mean?


As a distributor, you do not need to hawk your Plantain Chips, rather, the hawkers count from you in bulk, at a lower price.

More like you become a Plantain Chips company.

You can even hire your own sales boys/girls to hawk the chips for you, for a particular fee or gain.

This business is another good one that guarantees daily income, so feel free to give it a try.

You can start small, and develop over time.

12. Pure Water Distribution

As a pure water distributor, you just need to buy these sachet waters in bulk directly from the factories.

Distribute them to stores around your neighborhood at a slightly discounted price (with your gains included).

So many people do this, and they make daily cash from it.

This is a flexible business, so you can even start small (maybe a hundred bags for start).

Conclusion on Daily Income Business Ideas.

As you can see, most of these business ideas can bring nothing less than #5,000 every day.

Some of these daily imcome business ideas in Nigeria can bring you as much as #100,000 in a month.

All that you need to do is, put more effort into it, check the one that will work in your location and research before venturing into.

Make sure you try out these daily income business ideas today.

They are well pick and guaranteed to make you daily cash.

In all, I wish you the best.

Feel free to ask us any question about this article and consider sharing it with your friends on social media.

Make sure you try out these daily income business ideas today. They are well picked, and guaranteed to make you daily cash. In all, I wish you the best.


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