WATCH: Tinubu’s Wife Deserves To Be Killed – Muslim Cleric

Outrage as Islamic Cleric Calls for Killing of Nigeria’s First Lady, Remi Tinubu    An unidentified Islamic cleric has received a widespread condemnation after calling for the killing of Nigeria’s First Lady, Remi Tinubu.     Former Kaduna State Senator, Shehu Sani, swiftly reacted to this horrifying statement, criticizing it as an extreme violation of democratic principles and human decency.

Expressing his dismay on his verified X account, Sani said that while criticism of the government and its policies is a fundamental right in any democratic society, inciting violence against an individual, especially a prominent figure like Senator Remi Tinubu, is utterly unacceptable.

He wrote: “Criticising the Government and its policies is within the ambit of democratic rights; but calling for the killing of Senator Remi Tinubu by the religious cleric is unacceptable and utterly condemnable.”

Recall that in a viral video circulating on social media, the cleric is heard saying the Muslim/Muslim ticket that brought President Bola Tinubu to power was a scam.   The cleric, whose identity could not be ascertained by News Week Nigeria at the time of filing this report, therefore, averred that the wife of the president, “being an infidel should be put to death as provided for in the Quran”. He, however, did not provide any chapter or verse of the Quran to support his claim.

He said: “Now, Tinubu, his wife is an infidel. As an infidel, she is a leader among the infidels. God’s judgement says she must be killed. She’s a pastor… a leader of infidels (Christians); Allah says they must be killed…,” he said.   Similarly, in October 2023, an Islamic cleric, Sheikh Ahmad Gumi said Muslim officers don’t perpetrate injustice like their Christian counterparts, even when they dominate security services.

The cleric, in a video sermon of over 14 minutes posted on his official Facebook page, also said Christians and southerners could not be trusted with power in Nigeria like northern Muslims.

He said during former President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration, a Christian cleric complained to him about Buhari’s nepotism and the predominance of Muslims as heads of security agencies.

According to him, his reply was that Muslims are not as evil as Christians when they are in power.

He said, “During the (Muhammadu) Buhari presidency, a certain Christian cleric complained that Muslim officers were appointed heads of security organisations. My response was that Muslims would not use that as an advantage to maltreat anyone whether they’re Muslims or non-Muslims. In contrast, if they (Christians) are occupying those positions, they’ll destroy us.

“Check the history, who murdered Sardauna (Sir Ahmadu Bello)? It was (Maj. Chukwuma Kaduna) Nzeogwu. Who murdered Murtala (Muhammed)? It was (Lt. Col. Buka) Dimka. As for (Ibrahim) Babangida, he narrowly escaped death; who was his aggressor? (Gideon) Orkar, a northern Christian. You see, once you give these people power, they’ll use it to destroy you.

“A Tanzanian, one Ali Mazara’u, once said you don’t give away power and if you must, there have to be clear-cut conditions detailing sharing formula. You must negotiate to have control of the defence and several other crucial agencies. But disgustingly, you cheaply surrendered power (alluding to Buhari) and went into oblivion.

“Therefore, make no mistake, once the Israelis are allowed into this country, they’ll carry out clandestine operations; the elimination of prominent Muslim clerics. Why do you think they eliminated Sheikh Jafar (Mahmood Adam)? Why was (Sheikh Muhamman Auwal) Albani murdered? The list of those to be eliminated is endless. This explains why we requested police protection during Buhari’s administration. They provided us with police guards, and even though the president never liked my face, they did it anyway because if something happened to me the president would be held responsible.

“You want to bring the Mossad into our country? Let Tinubu be told that we’re not oblivious of the plan; we’re aware. He must remove the FCT minister or else he will have us to contend with.”

“Again, let me repeat, as I said earlier, I replied to the Christian cleric that whether Muslim officers dominate all the security services, they don’t perpetrate injustice like the Christian officers; because they murdered Sardauna, Tafawa Balewa, Murtala, etc. In contrast, tell me which Christian leader was killed by Muslims.

“Yet they kept blabbing about Buhari’s so-called nepotism. There was an element of nepotism under Buhari, I reckon. But our (Muslim) nepotism is not evil (wicked) because it does no harm to anyone. If it cannot promote your interest, it won’t harm it either; here is the difference. That’s why I keep warning that power should not slip from our hands into theirs,” he added.


1 thought on “WATCH: Tinubu’s Wife Deserves To Be Killed – Muslim Cleric”

  1. Despicable and reckless, this islamic cleric although obviously a fake one, must beHe totally missed the point

    First , the main causes of high food crises are

    1, removal fuel subsidy, which has affected greatly, the cost moving farm produce

    2, cost of infrastructure and implements , ie, diesel , fertilizer, making overhead quite expensive

    3, Nigeria must ranch or else we are simply wasting time, grazing has to stop

    …and lots more

    So KT, governors and so on, are handicapped in this regard

    So advice this your village head to research properly before wasting my hard earned data biko dealt with severely, there are such sick heads and characters, especially in the northern part of Nigeria

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