Threat Intelligence

What Is Threat Intelligence? – Its Importance, What It Does, Benefits And More

The risk of cyberattacks in today’s interconnected world is higher than ever. Threat intelligence plays a crucial role in cybersecurity by identifying and analyzing these threats. It involves collecting, processing, and analyzing data to better understand potential threats and take proactive measures to defend against them.

What Is Threat Intelligence?

Threat intelligence refers to the data collected, processed, and analyzed to understand the motives, targets, and attack behaviors of threat actors. It provides valuable insights into the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used by attackers. By gathering and analyzing this intelligence, organizations can make faster, more informed decisions to protect their assets and prevent future attacks.

What Does Threat Intelligence Do?

Threat intelligence helps organizations understand the risks associated with different types of cyberattacks and develop effective defense strategies. It provides insights into the methods and tools used by threat actors, enabling organizations to mitigate ongoing attacks and proactively anticipate future threats. By leveraging threat intelligence, organizations can quickly reconfigure their networks and deploy appropriate security measures to defend against specific types of attacks.

Why Is Threat Intelligence Important?

Threat intelligence is essential in the world of cybersecurity for several reasons. Firstly, it sheds light on the unknown, enabling security teams to make better decisions and take appropriate actions. By understanding the motives and TTPs of threat actors, organizations can tailor their defenses and stay one step ahead of potential attacks. Additionally, threat intelligence empowers business stakeholders, such as executive boards and CISOs, to invest wisely, mitigate risks, and make faster decisions. It helps organizations move from a reactive approach to a proactive one, strengthening their overall security posture.

Who Benefits From Threat Intelligence?

Threat intelligence benefits organizations of all sizes and shapes. For small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), it provides access to a level of protection that would otherwise be out of reach. By leveraging external threat intelligence, enterprises with large security teams can reduce costs and enhance the effectiveness of their analysts. From security analysts and SOC teams to CSIRT and executive management, every member of a security team can benefit from threat intelligence. It optimizes prevention and detection capabilities, prioritizes incidents based on risk, accelerates incident investigations, and enables better risk management and decision-making.

Threat Intelligence Lifecycle

The threat intelligence lifecycle provides a structured framework for transforming raw data into actionable intelligence. It consists of six steps:

1. Requirements:

During this stage, the team defines the goals and methodology of the threat intelligence program based on the needs of stakeholders. They identify what information they need to gather and analyze.

2. Collection:

Once the requirements are established, the team collects the necessary data from various sources such as traffic logs, publicly available data, forums, social media, and industry experts.

3. Processing:

The collected data is processed to make it suitable for analysis. This involves organizing data points, decrypting files, translating information, and evaluating the data for relevance and reliability.

4. Analysis:

In this phase, the team conducts a thorough analysis of the processed dataset. They look for answers to the questions posed in the requirements stage and extract actionable insights and recommendations.

5. Dissemination:

The analysis is presented to stakeholders in a digestible format. The format may vary depending on the audience, but it should be concise and free of technical jargon. The goal is to provide clear recommendations and actionable information.

6. Feedback:

The final stage involves gathering feedback from stakeholders to assess the effectiveness of the threat intelligence program. This feedback helps identify areas for improvement and ensures that future operations align with the organization’s priorities.

Threat Intelligence Use Cases

Sec/IT Analyst:

Sec/IT analysts play a crucial role in integrating threat intelligence feeds with other security products. By leveraging threat intelligence, they can enhance the effectiveness of their security controls. They can use threat intelligence to block malicious IP addresses, URLs, domains, files, and other indicators of compromise. This proactive approach helps in preventing potential attacks and minimizing the organization’s exposure to threats.


In a Security Operations Center (SOC), threat intelligence is used to enrich security alerts. By incorporating threat intelligence data into their analysis, SOC analysts can gain additional context and insights into the alerts they receive. This enables them to prioritize incidents based on their severity and potential impact. Threat intelligence also helps SOC teams in linking related alerts together to form a comprehensive picture of an ongoing attack. This holistic view allows them to better understand the tactics and techniques employed by threat actors, facilitating more effective incident response.


Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) rely on threat intelligence to investigate and respond to security incidents. Threat intelligence provides valuable information about the who, what, why, when, and how of an incident. CSIRT analysts can leverage threat intelligence to identify the root cause of an incident and determine its scope and impact. This helps in formulating an appropriate response strategy and implementing necessary remediation measures to mitigate the impact of the incident.

Intel Analyst:

Intel analysts utilize threat intelligence to conduct in-depth analysis of cyber threats. They delve into the details of intrusion evidence, such as malware samples, network traffic patterns, and attack vectors. By reviewing reports on threat actors, intel analysts gain a better understanding of their tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). This knowledge enables them to identify patterns and indicators that can help in detecting and mitigating future threats. Intel analysts play a crucial role in identifying emerging threats and providing actionable intelligence to the organization.

Executive Management:

Threat intelligence is invaluable for executive management in assessing the overall threat level faced by the organization. By analyzing threat intelligence data, executives can gain insights into the current threat landscape and understand the risks posed to their organization. This information helps in developing a comprehensive security roadmap and allocating resources effectively. With a clear understanding of the threats, executive management can make informed decisions about cybersecurity investments, ensuring that they align with the organization’s strategic priorities.

3 Types Of Threat Intelligence

1. Tactical Threat Intelligence:

Tactical threat intelligence focuses on immediate threats and provides technical indicators of compromise (IOCs). These IOCs include malicious IP addresses, URLs, file hashes, and known malicious domain names. Tactical intelligence is often automated and can be easily integrated into security products. However, it has a short lifespan as IOCs can quickly become obsolete. Tactical threat intelligence is particularly useful for security analysts and incident response teams, enabling them to quickly identify and respond to ongoing attacks.

2. Operational Threat Intelligence:

Operational threat intelligence involves studying threat actors, their motivations, and their tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). It provides insights into how adversaries plan, conduct, and sustain their campaigns. Operational intelligence requires human analysis to convert data into usable formats. It helps security teams in understanding the behavior and strategies of threat actors, enabling them to proactively detect and respond to threats. Operational threat intelligence is valuable for SOC teams, vulnerability management, incident response, and threat monitoring.

3. Strategic Threat Intelligence:

Strategic threat intelligence focuses on the higher-level factors surrounding cyberattacks, such as geopolitical conditions and global events. It helps decision-makers understand the risks posed to their organizations by cyber threats. Strategic intelligence requires human data collection and analysis with a deep understanding of both cybersecurity and the nuances of the world’s geopolitical situation. It provides reports that inform business decisions and guide cybersecurity investments. Strategic threat intelligence helps organizations align their security measures with their strategic priorities and effectively protect against emerging threats.

Available Threat Intelligence Tools

Malware Disassemblers:

Malware disassemblers are tools used to reverse engineer malware and understand how it works. By analyzing the code and behavior of malware samples, security engineers can gain insights into the techniques employed by threat actors. This knowledge helps in developing effective defenses and mitigating future attacks.

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Tools:

SIEM tools are essential for monitoring network activity in real-time. They collect and analyze logs from various sources, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and endpoints. SIEM tools use threat intelligence to identify and alert on unusual behavior and suspicious traffic patterns. They provide security teams with valuable insights into potential threats and enable them to respond quickly to security incidents.

Network Traffic Analysis Tools:

Network traffic analysis tools capture and analyze network information to detect intrusions and identify suspicious activity. These tools monitor network traffic, analyze packet-level data, and provide insights into potential threats. By correlating network traffic with threat intelligence data, security teams can identify indicators of compromise and take appropriate action to mitigate risks.

Threat Intelligence Communities and Resource Collections:

Threat intelligence communities and resource collections are online platforms or websites that provide access to a wealth of threat intelligence information. These platforms aggregate known indicators of compromise (IOCs) and provide community-generated data about threats. They often offer collaborative research and actionable advice on preventing or combating threats. These communities are valuable resources for security professionals, as they provide access to a vast network of experts and a collective knowledge base. They enable information sharing, collaboration, and the dissemination of up-to-date threat intelligence. Security teams can leverage these communities to stay informed about the latest threats, share insights, and enhance their overall threat intelligence capabilities.


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