HEARTBREAKING: “Why I’m Not Morning Your Death, But…” – Jasmine On Ibu

Jasmine Okekeagwu, the adopted daughter of the late John ‘Mr Ibu‘ Okafor, has shared heartfelt sentiments following the passing of the beloved actor. Mr Ibu, who succumbed to a cardiac arrest on March 2 at Evercare Hospital in Lagos, had valiantly fought a life-threatening illness for months before his demise.

In a poignant tribute posted on her Instagram page, Jasmine reminisced about the cherished moments she shared with Mr Ibu. She highlighted his resilience and fighting spirit through over 15 successful surgeries. She also expressed admiration for his unwavering strength in battling death repeatedly until it ultimately prevailed.

Despite facing controversies and allegations since her adoption into Mr Ibu’s family, Jasmine expressed deep sorrow over his loss. She revealed feeling broken by his absence and lamented that he was no longer present to address the accusations against her.

“Goodnight papa! You will forever be remembered for the love you gave, and the laughter you brought am grateful to God that I was able to give back that love till the very end,” she wrote on Tuesday.

“Despite all that was said, every single good I did was translated to €vil, you always promised me that the day you will speak, the world will listen and that gave me the audacity to carry on.

“Now I am brok€n because that day is never coming, maybe the stories will never end, maybe the bull¥ing will never stop but I know and I’m grateful for the ray of hope you gave me even when you felt hopeless.

“Every single good I did was paid In hundred folds with €vil, from the hands of the same people that was never really there for you when you needed them the most but daddy you know what matters the most amidst all these accusations? You never talked down on me, you appreciated me till your very last moment.

“The pains you endured in the last days, you did with a smile, I am not mourning your d€ath, I’m mourning all the pains you had to endure, over 15 successful surgeries, you are indeed a fighter! You fought d€ath severally until it claws successfully overpowered you.

“I hope you find true happiness, peace and rest in the bosom of God! Make sure God laughs at all your jokes and Angels roll on the floor from every conversation with you. I lost a hero, Heaven gained an Angel. Adieu Papa!!!”

Last year, Stella, Mr Ibu’s wife, accused Jasmine of dating the late actor, claiming he abandoned his family because of her.

In the same year, Jasmine was again in the news after Stella claimed she hijacked the funds donated for Mr. Ibu’s treatment.

In January, the police in Lagos arrested Onyeabuchi, the second son of Mr. Ibu, and Jasmine over an alleged N55 million fraud.

Jasmine faced intense criticism after she changed the name on Mr Ibu’s TikTok page — a day after he passed on.


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