A wrong move can cause one’ s life to be in jeopardy. This was the case of Jean Pierre Adams who underwent a surgery to correct an injury in the knee but this changed his life forever.
Who Is Jean Pierre Adams?
Jean Pierre Adams was a former France International player and was born in Senegal. When his grandmother went on a pilgrimage to France, he took him along and enrolled young Pierre in a school where he was adopted by a French couple.

In 1960, Pierre met Bernadette who later became his wife in 1969. After their marriage, they moved to Nimes and joined the city division club.
His football career was successful as he became one of the first black players to play for France within two years. Pierre also played for Paris Saint German and won 22 cups in total

As time went on, his career began to fade, Pierre decided to coach youths and in March 1982 he travelled to Dijon for training. In the process of training, he damaged a tendon in his leg.
The Surgery
Pierre travelled to a Hospital in Lyon called Herriot Hospital for X- ray. There a doctor walked up to him and offered to help him.
After consultation, he was scheduled for an appointment. On the D- day, the hospital staff were on strike but his case was not so serious and he could have managed for a while till the staff called off the strike but they proceeded with the surgery.

His operation was supervised by a Trainee who was repeating a year. Too many errors were made and his lungs got blocked making Pierre unable to breathe and this resulted in cardiac arrest.

Pierre’ s Life After The Surgery
Pierre was in a coma after the surgery. After a period of 15 months, his wife Bernadette was advised to transfer him to a home for the elderly but she declined and insisted on taking him home.

Since then, she has been the one feeding, clothing and helping him defecate. The trainee was charged to court but the process lasted for 12 years.