peter obi

Peter Obi’s Reply After He Was Asked If He Can Work Under Any Candidate That Wins The 2023 Election

The presidential candidate of Labour Party (LP), Peter Obi, recently attended a meeting with the Editors Guild of Nigeria, where he was questioned about his candidacy for the presidential election in 2023.

During the meeting, one of the journalists questioned him whether or not, in the event that if he did not win the election, would he be willing to accept an invitation to work in the interest of Nigerians for any of the candidates who ended up winning the election.

Reacting to the question, Peter Obi said;

“If you have a company, will you hire someone who’s incompetent and then allow him to hire someone who’s competent to work under him? You don’t go and get a conductor and said the conductor should be driving while the driver should be at the back advising him. We want the driver to be at the steering and the conductor at where the conductor stays, that is the only one we want.

The election in 2023 is a crucial election for our nation, and we are unable to continue management in this manner. The only way that it will work and the only way that it will function is if the person in charge understands it.

The audience’s laughter and applause served as additional reinforcement for his statement.


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